Chrissy Metz lost 100 pounds Weight with her 2000 calorie diet plan.

Chrissy Metz Before After Weight loss

Chrissy Metz is a famous American celebrity and singer. She earned nominations for Primetime Emmy Award and two Golden Globe Awards by playing a role of Kate Pearson in the famous television series “This is Us”, she also made appearance in Breakthrough and Sierra Burgess is a Loser.

Chrissy was born a chubby girl and faced many difficulties with obesity at such an early age. She also shared her feelings related to her family that they loved her but she felt left out when her mother would go shopping with her two sisters who were slimmer as her mother was obsessed with shopping and try on clothes.

In one of her interviews with Glamour Magazine she shared that body image meant that people would point and laugh at her whenever she wore a swimsuit which made a great impact on her self-esteem.

Chrissy Metz has set an example for every overweight woman out there by her weight lost journey. She became the role model for women of different sizes and ages with her incredible weight loss journey. She lost her weight slowly without going through any surgery at her own pace naturally with a perfect weight loss plan.

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How Chrissy Metz lost weight?

Chrissy Metz started losing weight with her 2000 calories diet plan after she got hospitalized because of her panic attack thinking it was a heart attack, she became more cautious and responsible for herself.

Chrissy left a message to all the women out there when she said, “I want to be very clear. Whether or not I lose weight or stay the same, it is purely a choice of mine for health, not because I think that plus size, curvy, voluptuous, big bodies are not attractive because I think they are awesome and sexy.”

Chrissy Metz Diet and Workout Plan:

Chrissy made small changes in her diet and activities for the good results, she followed only three simple things that brought a great change to her appearance that motivated her more and more. The first thing she did was to avoid any type of unhealthy food which does not have any nutrition value.

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Secondly, she stuck strictly by her 2000 calories a day diet and lastly, she made sure that she walked at the least 20 minutes a day without any gap every day. As we know that with diet some type of body action is also necessary which is why anything to keep the body moving helps to lose weight and there is nothing better than to walk.

By following this she lost 100 pounds in just 5 month which is quite motivating in itself and an excellent achievement.

Chrissy Metz said, “I want to have a fit, healthy body. I do not want to be limited by anything.”


Chrissy was looked down on her entire life because of her weight which made a huge impact on her mental health. She had to work on her mental health too along with her weight which is why she motivated herself and said, “I realized that who we are, we are this perfect creature.”

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