Liz Torres 40 Pounds Weight Loss Transformation

Liz Torres Before After Weight loss

Liz Torres is an American singer, actress and a comedian. She used to be overweight and got numerous roles just because of that. Her transformation amazed and most importantly shocked people at the very same time. She started working on her weight loss in 2008 and by 2010 she was hardly identifiable.

Losing weight was always on her mind and it had become important for her to lose weight as she did not quite like how she appeared in screen and the way clothes looked on her body. Although she did not do anything about her weight until 2008.

This sudden weight loss surprised many people and they started rumor that she had done gastric bypass surgery (that helps an individual to lose weight by dividing their stomach into upper and lower part and small intestine control what they eat) although it was not confirmed by anyone.

Liz Torres struggled a lot because of her weight, she decided to lead a healthy lifestyle as being on screen made her motivated to lose weight and she did it, she lost 50 pounds in two years of time. Her first appearance after her weight loss was on the show called “It must be him”. There she left all of her fans curious about her weight loss journey.

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In an interview of her she explained how she was treated and felt in her overweight days. It was hard for her to make herself heard on sets when people pretended they could not hear her or she does not exist. They did not want to interact with her or look at her just because of the fact that she was obese.

How did Liz Torres lose weight?

Liz Torres lost a lot of weight when she started eating healthy, did daily exercises to keep the body and herself energetic and of course most importantly, cutting down on the food intake.


For breakfast she had wheat toast with a healthy choice of butter and sometimes she would like to have coffee so she would give herself a double expresso in a small cup. Every so often she would eat salads or yogurt and as for lunch she likes fish with vegetables. Now for dinner she prefers healthy frozen dinner.

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Daily Exercise:

She said, her favorite exercise was skipping ropes which is a full body workout. Other than jumping ropes she used to do stationary bike twice a weak and steppers which was challenging for her knees. She used to wake up at 4:40 am and go for a walk with her neighbor.

Some people face emotional eating disorder. You start eating when you’re happy, sad, tired, nervous and so on. Therefore, to avoid eating even after having a meal she tried to get into bed by 10 which is very helpful for such people as if you focus on things it will distract one’s mind from eating or any other things. Furthermore, it also helps in maintaining your sleeping schedule.

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