10 Signs and Symptoms of Ketosis

Ketosis Symptom

When we start on the ketogenic diet, it can take up to a week for our bodies to enter ketosis and start burning fat. By changing our type of diet from a high carbohydrate to a keto or low carbohydrate diet we will notice certain changes in our body. In most cases, these symptoms are very mild or we will only notice some of them. This does not have to worry us since they only indicate that the body is getting used to working with the accumulated fat and that we are doing it well. Have you noticed any of these 10 symptoms that indicate you are in ketosis?

Increased energy and concentration:

When we are in ketosis our body is more efficient and the more ketones you are burning, the more energy it receives. You will not only notice an increase in physical energy, but also mental energy. You will be able to concentrate more if you need to study and you will get better results. If you practice some physical activity you will quickly notice an improvement in your performance, you will be able to make greater efforts in the gym, and recovery will be faster. You may even be able to skip that after-meal coffee so you don’t fall asleep.

Weight Loss and Less Inflammation During The first days:

When we begin to reduce carbohydrates in our diet, the first thing we can notice is that we eliminate fluids. A diet high in carbohydrates makes us retain an amount of fluids that we do not need and that will be eliminated in the first days of the diet. We will notice a rapid weight loss in the first days and a reduction in inflammation or swelling, especially in the belly. I always recommend measuring yourself at the beginning, to check how we lower waist, hip, chest, and thigh measurements. You will see the reduction of measurements in just a few days.

Decreased appetite:

You will begin to notice that you fill up with smaller portions than before. Fat and protein are highly satisfying, if you combine them with low-carbohydrate and high-nutrient vegetables, our body will feel nourished much sooner. This will make us eat less food since using our fat for energy is more efficient. Furthermore, when we are in ketosis, the body understands that we have plenty of energy reserves and that it is not necessary to continue eating. If we also do intermittent fasting, it is quite likely that you only need to eat two large meals a day. I’ve been doing it for a long time and I stopped snacking between meals a long time ago. I eat my first meal around two-thirty and the second and last around eight and I never feel hungry or anxious.

See Also  Can keto diet make your stomach gurgle?

Dry mouth and more thirst:

As we said before, the first days in ketosis our body loses a lot of accumulated water. With this water, we also lose electrolytes and run the risk of dehydration. You will notice a drier mouth and a lot of thirst, do not stop drinking water, it is essential to drink as much as you can since we risk dehydration. To avoid this, in addition to increasing our consumption of water, tea, and infusions, it is recommended to take more salt. Best Himalayan or marine grade salt if possible, never low sodium or conventional table salt. The increase in salt intake ensures that we replenish electrolytes and partially avoid such drastic water loss.

Different breath, bad breath sometimes:

One of the most worrying symptoms that indicate that you are in ketosis is bad breath. It must be said that it does not happen to everyone, but this is one of the 10 symptoms that indicate that you are in ketosis, personally, I only noticed it one day right at the beginning. It usually lasts only a couple of days at the most. The fat that we burn when we are on a ketogenic diet is converted into ketones, these are eliminated through the urine and the breath.

This can cause an iron or fruity taste in the mouth, although it is sometimes unpleasant, it is not very problematic at all. And luckily it only happens for a couple of days at most at the start of the diet. To counteract this symptom, it is best to brush your teeth often, use some mouthwash, drink more water, and take enough salt. It always helps to carry some sugar-free peppermint or gum if we are away from home.

Difficulty to sleep:

Due to the increased energy you may find it difficult to fall asleep for the first few days. In addition, your brain being more active will start to think and turn everything around. I have to say that I have never noticed this symptom, but it is possible that it could happen to someone. In any case, it only happens the first few days and the solution would be to try to start the diet at the weekend so that it does not affect us at work. If this happens to you, you can always take a collagen supplement with magnesium before going to sleep or take a relaxing infusion.

Go to the bathroom more:

Due to the loss of fluids you will notice that you go to the bathroom more often. Ketones are also eliminated in the urine, this added to the elimination of water from your body will make you have to go to pee all the time. This is the most common symptom and it happens to practically everyone. It is nothing bad, do not panic, it just indicates that you are losing fat. You’ve also increased your water intake, so it all adds up. It is a good sign and indicates that you are doing very well and it is one of the 10 symptoms that indicate you are in ketosis.

See Also  Always Feeling Cold on Keto Diet?

Digestive problems, stomach noises, or gas:

By limiting fiber intake, our stomach is likely to suffer a bit. The most common is difficulty entering the bathroom and constipation. Although it is common to go less often than before, since we eat foods that generate less waste, certain people can suffer from constipation. Especially if you were never very regular, with this type of diet you could have this problem.

I recommend drinking plenty of water and eating high-fiber vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, and avocado. It can also help to take chia seeds mixed with almond milk or unsweetened Greek yogurt. High fiber nuts such as pumpkin seeds or senna infusions also solve the problem. You can supplement with magnesium, taking a teaspoon of magnesium carbonate before sleeping, you will rest better and your intestinal transit will improve a lot.


This was my main symptom to start with, about two years ago. I suffered from migraines and the change in diet didn’t help much, although I have to say it only happened a couple of times. It is a very rare symptom, but from my own experience, it sometimes occurs. This headache usually comes from the drop in insulin when starting the diet. The loss of fluids leads to a lack of electrolytes as we mentioned before. This drop in insulin and a lack of electrolytes from dehydration can result in a severe headache.

Fortunately, it has a very quick solution and it is none other than drinking a lot of water and adding a pinch of quality salt, I use the Himalayas. Whenever I noticed that my head started to hurt a little, I drank a large glass with half a teaspoon of Himalayan salt and holy hand, the pain disappeared. After the second week of dieting, it never happened to me again. If you notice that the salt does not solve it, you should take potassium and magnesium as well, because it indicates a lack of these minerals.

Ketone meters:

If after reading the entire article you are still not sure if you are in ketosis, either because you have not noticed any of these symptoms or because you want to make sure you are doing it right, there are other alternatives. Despite taking very few carbohydrates, having increased fat, and moderating protein, you don’t notice anything strange, you haven’t lost weight or you just want to make sure you’re in ketosis. For these cases, use the keto test strips, the glucometer, or the ketone meter.

Have you noticed any of these symptoms? Have you had other symptoms that are not listed here? If you have any questions or concerns, I’ll wait for you in the comments!

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