Why People Gain Weight on a Keto Diet?

Weight Scale

Weight gain on keto diet :

You might be wondering what does weight gaining has to do with a keto diet because the only thing a keto diet relates to is a weight loss. Well! Here is a tricky and complicated part. Many people complain that they have gained weight in either the first week or the first few days of a keto diet. Some complain about gaining weight after the first week of keto. This article is especially for such newbies who are wondering about this issue[1].


Reasons why you are gaining weight on a keto diet:

A keto diet is meant to reduce weight in the healthiest way possible. However, if there is a sudden change and instead of losing weight you have started gaining weight on a keto diet then there is a possibility that either you might be doing something that is not allowed on a keto diet or there are several underlying causes that are acting against a keto diet. Let us deeply examine each and every reason for gaining weight on ketosis.


You are either consuming hidden carbs or too many accepted carbs

This is another reason of gaining weight on a keto diet. This has been told explicitly that the recommended daily intake of carbs is only 20 to 30 grams per day. If you consume more of these accepted carbs then weight gain shall happen for sure.

In addition to this, foods do have hidden carbs that you know nothing of. There is a chance that you keep having hidden carbs without even knowing about them, subsequently affecting keto and gaining weight. Here are some foods that have hidden carbs in them

  • Nuts like cashews and peanuts
  • Certain meats like seafood
  • Dipping sauces like ketchup, bbq sauce, and different dressings
  • Artificial sweeteners like maltodextrin and sucralose [3] [2]
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You are experiencing trouble related to sleep:

You may not know this but having troubled sleep is directly related to gaining weight. People who do not get proper sleep keep gaining weight and this is a proven fact. Studies have shown a comparison between adults who get 4 hours of sleep to those who get 10 hours of sleep. Not getting proper sleep significantly increases your hunger as well as an appetite that further result in weight gain.

It can also be seen from the fact that a major reason behind keto flu is insomnia [4], badly affecting a keto diet.


Your protein intake is way too much:

This mistake is done mostly by the newbies. Instead of consuming on the moderate intake of protein, they keep it quite high resulting in being run out of ketosis and a prominent increase in weight. What happens is that with an increased amount of protein in the body, a process called gluconeogenesis [5] begins. It is induced when there are fewer carbs and more proteins. In gluconeogenesis [6], excess protein is converted into glucose that flares up sugar levels. As a result of this not only you are kicked out of ketosis but weight gain also occurs.


Your body might be retaining water:

That is a common understanding that during a transition phase people do experience a drop in weight due to the loss of water. However, sometimes that water is retained in the body resulting in weight gain. Due to the fluid imbalance, that body starts retaining water. Moreover, if you eat a lot of food during these circumstances without keeping track of your calories, weight gain happens.


You are having lots of calories:

Abrupt calorie intake is another reason for weight gain during and after the first week of a keto diet. Calorie intake should always be calculated and kept track of. Do not provide excessive fuel to your body because it will negatively impact the keto diet adding a big number to your body weight.


You are enjoying too many cheat meals:

This is one hard fact and a bitter truth. People often succumb to cravings and start having cheat meals so that the keto diet becomes easy for them. Having a cheat meal once in a while does not really affect a keto diet, but too many cheat meals definitely become a liability. They ultimately kick you out of ketosis and also add to the weight.

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Your alcohol consumption might be the problem:

Alcohol is not really keto friendly. Frequent alcohol consumers might keep having alcohol and experience a sudden increase in weight. The reason behind it is that alcohol cannot be processed and stored therefore it halts metabolic and other processes inducing a pause to ketosis leaving a window open for weight gain. In addition to this alcohol has hidden carbs that become a problem on a keto diet.


Sometimes your genes act against you:

Sometimes the genetic makeup of a body does not align with a keto diet. No matter how strictly you follow a keto diet, it just does not show results and instead makes you gain weight. If this is a case, it is no big deal. It only means that a keto diet is not for you.

Go for APO-E gene testing [7], it will not only provide you an insight into whether the keto diet is for you or not but will also tell you how your body metabolizes fats that will help you figure out about the diet you should adopt.


You may not be adjusting with a new keto diet or are sensitive to it:

There is a possibility that even tho you are following a highly ketogenic diet, you may experience weight gain. It is because of the fact that you might be sensitive or allergic to several ketogenic foods (dairy products, citric acid, sugar substitutes, etc) that induce bloating and weight gain.


You need to game up your exercise:

Some people have a bodily physique that requires an extra push in the form of exercise along with a strict keto diet. Therefore, there is a chance that the absence of exercise might be contributing to weight gain. In addition to this, exercise keeps you active and increased metabolism. Thus, it is imperative to keep up with exercise even if it includes minor walk and push ups.


You are eating abnormally throughout the day:

Eating abnormally and too often does not only open a window for the intake of hidden carbs but also adds to the consumption of too many calories. That is why abrupt eating pattern paves way for weight gain. Following scheduled eating is a much better option on a keto diet.


Other underlying medical reasons:

This is another possibility that due to several medical reasons, you might not be properly getting into ketosis rather fluctuating in and out of it resulting in a weight gain. For example :

  • Depression
  • Menopause
  • cushing’s disease
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Insomnia
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)[8]
  • Diabetes


Why girls gain weight on a keto diet during the period?

It is normal for female gender to gain weight during and after their menstrual cycle. Bloating, food craving, and hormonal changes along with many other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome [9] flares up weight gain.

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